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Finest Patient
Care & Amenities

Our mission is to inspire hope, contribute our best to health care .

We provide the best care facilities and services to every patient through integrated collection.

Our core value is the patient satisfaction.

We are committed to the achievement and maintenance of excellence in research.

We are dedicated to provide accurate and precise diagnostic.

We care to ensure the dignity and respect of every patient.

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Cheif Consultant Pathologist
Dr. Afzaal Ur Rehman

Fayyaz Ahmed Khan

Performed by highly qualified and experienced technologists.

All types of conventional ultrasounds, Color Doppler, TVS & 4-D USG .

Open MRI is an MRI technique that minimizes the effects of claustrophobia.

Our laboratory is fully automated with latest equipment from Roche and Sysmex.

ORTHOPHOS SL enables us to help your dentist accurately diagnose and treat.

All types of X-Rays / X-Rays Procedures and Mammography performed with State-of-the-Art.

Health Sections
Different Services
Blood Donations
Satisfied Patients

Our Team

Consultant Pathologist
Consultant Microbiologists
Haemotology Dept (U.H.S)

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