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Methods In Healing

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Our Methods In Healing

Regenerative Medicine is based on the method of organ regeneration, biological rejuvenation of the whole organism, comprehensive healing of chronic ``incurable`` diseases and slowing of old age with natural medicine. We do not treat any disease or damaged organ separately. We consider the organism as a whole because, in fact, the violation of the work of one organ leads to the inability of the work of other organs and systems.

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Sight Terapy

Eye exercises are used to treat patients who have trouble using their eyes to see correctly.

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Eye Medication

The medicines in this section include those which act on the eyes, usually given as eye-drops or ointments.

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Blidness Test

A colour perception test is the only way to be sure you perceive colours normally.

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Lasik Surgery

LASIK eye surgery can be an alternative to glasses or contact lenses done for the correction of certain common vision problems.

Health Screening

The practice of regular health screening may reveal potential health problems before the presentation of physical symptoms, as many diseases progress symptomless through early stages.


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