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Precision Oncology

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Precision Oncology

The practice of precision medicine involves a systematic approach to the management of diseases which is customized to individual patients, ensuring the greatest likelihood of positive outcomes. Cancer treatment is a major focus of precision medicine initiatives. Simplistically, precision oncology is underpinned by determining the molecular profile of the disease, and then assigning the patient with the most accurate and effective treatments available, rather that the traditionally applied “one-size-fits-all” approach.

CELLSEARCH® Circulating Tumor Cell Test

Liquid biopsy testing, inclusive of circulating tumour cell testing (CTC) enumeration, is an aspect of precision oncology that allows the monitoring of cancer progression in a non-invasive way, thus minimizing discomfort while maximizing diagnostic accuracy. The affordability and lack of risk allows liquid biopsy testing to be performed at timely intervals thus allowing early detection of cancer progression, providing insights beyond traditional solid biopsies.
Prosigna® Breast Cancer Prognostic Signature Assay

Prosigna® is a test which looks at activity of 50 genes in your cancer cells, to predict the chances of your cancer returning over the next 10 years. It informs decision about cancer treatment after surgery and the accuracy of Prosigna®to predict cancer recurrence has been proven in independent clinical studies, involving thousands of women. It is also endorsed by independent regulatory organisations and professional oncology organisations worldwide. Post-menopausal women with newly diagnosed, early stage invasive breast cancer treated with endocrine therapy, Hormone receptor positive (ER or PR) or Lymph node-negative or Lymph node-positive should take Prosigna®breast cancer gene signature test.

Test that we offer:

  • CELLSEARCH® Circulating Tumor Cell Test
  • Prosigna® Breast Cancer Prognostic Signature Assay